Probably the orienteering event with the smallest area in the world 可能係世界上範圍最細嘅定向活動

MetOC, Orienteering, Sport

With the World Orienteering Day coming on 24 May this year, the Metropolitan Orienteering Club (MetOC) is going to organise (or more accurately re-enact) what is probably the orienteering event with the smallest area in the world in Kowloon Park.

How small is it? Well, to illustrate, I shall only have to use an excerpt from my SI Piece (that is, a music piece for SPORTident units) and a video of the premiere:

都會定向會將於世界定向日 (係五月廿四號、五月廿四號、五月廿四號呀,好重要所以要講三次) 喺九龍公園舉辦「可能係全世界範圍最細嘅定向活動」! 咁,究竟有幾細? 請睇以下小弟為定向打卡器而作嘅樂曲「譜」同埋首演錄影嘞:

SI Piece 1.png

Besides this, there is also a “slightly more normal” orienteering course — learn more at MetOC’s Facebook Page!


Goats, fog and maps

MetOC, Orienteering


The second MetOC training was done this Monday (23 February) on Black Hill in the fog and wind that the new Year of the Goat brought. The place offered good fell running (albeit with some undergrowth) and called for terrain concentration. Thanks for your support, and I hope you have enjoyed them. More photos are available at (One more still coming up on 14 March – see the FB page for details)


Designing publicity material for the event you hold is fun, and this time I’m doing it in a minimalistic way. (Echoes of New Era?) Of course, remember to make entries! 🙂

By the way, do you know that the 26 April event is probably the first ranking race in Hong Kong to make use of an OpenOrienteering Mapper drawn map? (The coming MetOC Champs in September as well – details expected late March) It’s a free, open source alternative to the mainstream OCAD. It’s easier to draw, too, if you don’t want to spend thousands of bucks to upgrade to the latest OCAD version.

MetOC – Metropolitan Orienteering Club

MetOC, Orienteering


After a sequence of meetings, document work and procedures, the Metropolitan Orienteering Club is officially launched to the public in the preceding week.

The foundation of MetOC originally stemmed from the idea that a new club can empower more orienteers previously under-represented in the Orienteering Association. Then I was able to call on the help of some orienteering friends, most of whom are from my university. The club evolved as a potential platform to organize trainings and competitions for which new possibilities can be created. It is also hoped that more orienteers can therefore contribute to the sport and make it flourish.

MetOC will organize three trainings (31/1, 23/2, 14/3) mainly targeting at students but also welcome to all, as well as races in the later part of this year. Visit for more details.